21st Livestock Census to begin in Uttar Pradesh from September

Lucknow: The Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department organized a regional training for the 21st Livestock Census to make the state and district nodal officers of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand aware about the software and breeds. The importance of accurate identification of the breed was emphasized during the training

A one-day training workshop was organized at Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya State Rural Development Institute (SIRD), Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow, under the preparation of the 21st Livestock Census to prepare masters trainers by jointly training the state / district nodal officers of three states of the country, namely Uttar Pradesh as well as Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand, in which a total of 10000 people from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand were trained.

175 veterinarians, numerators, nodal officers participated in the training program organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Government of India. The said program was inaugurated by the State’s Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Minister, Dharampal Singh.

While addressing the program, the State’s Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Minister  Dharampal Singh said that the analysis and logical use of the data obtained after the livestock census will pave the way for future plans, departmental policies and implementation of programs and new schemes in the interest of livestock farmers and employment generation in the field of animal husbandry.

He said that Uttar Pradesh has the highest livestock in the entire country. According to the 2019 livestock census, the state has 190.20 lakh cattle, 330.17 lakh buffaloes, 9.85 lakh sheep, 144.80 lakh goats and 4.09 lakh pigs. Animal census is to be conducted in the country after every 5 years. At present, preparations are underway for the 21st livestock census.

On the said occasion,  Ravindra, Principal Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Government of Uttar Pradesh,  Devendra Pandey, Special Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh,  Jagat Hazarika, Advisor (Statistics), Government of India,  V.P. Singh, Director, Animal Husbandry Statistics, Government of India, Dr. R.N. Singh, Director Administration and Development and Dr. P.N. Singh, Disease Control and Field, Uttar Pradesh and participants from three states were present.

In his welcome speech, Director Administration and Development, Animal Husbandry Department welcomed all the dignitaries present and also welcomed the participants. He called upon the participants to consider this important training program as very sensitive and to get the correct information and count the livestock so that correct data can help in creating future plans. Animal census is conducted at an interval of every five years by the officials from the Government of India. In livestock census, species-wise count of animals is done in every household, enterprise and institution. The first livestock census in the country was conducted in the year 1919. In this series, a total of 20 livestock censuses have been conducted so far. The 20th livestock census was conducted in the year 2019. The said livestock census was conducted online for the first time through tablets in which the enumerators counted the animals on the app developed by the Government of India, the data was directly uploaded on the server of the Government of India.

Principal Secretary, Livestock informed that like the 20th livestock census, this time also the livestock census is to be conducted on the Android app developed by NDLM (National Digital Livestock Mission), under which breed-wise livestock census will be conducted according to the breed registered by NBAGR (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources).

As per the schedule set by the Government of India, livestock census work is to be done simultaneously in the entire country between September and December 2024. The Animal Husbandry Department will achieve new dimensions of progress in the coming times by formulating policies on the basis of detailed and reliable data obtained from the 21st livestock census.

For the 21st livestock census, the Government of India has selected five states, Karnataka, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh, for a pilot survey. In his address, the chief guest considered animal husbandry as the main source of livelihood and emphasized on the actual livestock data along with the discussion of quality livestock products. The four major dimensions of livestock development are advanced animal breeding, animal health, animal management and holistic efforts in the field of animal nutrition.

The main basis of all-round development of livestock is based on correct census, hence the usefulness and significance of the training program was highlighted. Along with this, emphasis was laid on the inclusion of new technology for the overall development of cattle and increase in milk production and blessings were given for successful training. Director, Disease Control and Field expressed gratitude to all the dignitaries, participants from different states as well as officers/employees of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya State Rural Development Institute, officers/employees of Animal Husbandry Department, UP for their cooperation in this program. Various officers of Animal Husbandry Department, UP, Dr. Arvind Kumar Singh, Additional Director, Cattle, Dr. Jaykesh Pandey, Additional Director, Planning, Dr. A.K. Verma, Additional Director, Small Animal, Dr. M.I. Khan, Joint Director, Statistics, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Deputy Director, Statistics, Dr. Neelam Bala, Deputy Director/Registrar and Directorate of Animal Husbandry Department, UP, Lucknow participated in the training program.
Various officers and employees participated.

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